The Tick

The clock is there everytime I open my eyes. Every hour passes faster than the last. 1. 2. 3. Pillow mocks body. Right. Left. Additional pillow goes between knees. Back-alligned support. Heard that somewhere. Definately comfortable. Comfort found. Back. Side. Curled up. Stretched out. Temperature? Blanket. Two blankets. No blanket. Repeat. 4. 5. Never liked sheep. Counting-liked even less. Senario time. Beach? No. Cloud. No! Floating bed. Stupid idea. Oh no, sun's comin up. Boredum isn't an issue. Surprising really. 6. 7. Waiting is uncomfortable. It's not painful-just void of any defination. Over and over. Conceptual recycling. Only downfall=no matter how I spin it, I'm waiting for something that's been there the whole time. And what I lack. Is all I need. Obnoxious alarm. Too loud. Too soon.


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