Humble B

In your head I want you to picture a person who you consider to be highly successful but also somehow annoying to you. Now, I am not going to name names, but when I started High School...I could've listed so many celebrities and classmates who were just down-right stuck-up! Everyone knows someone they just wanna shake and say "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Now more than ever, finding someone who exudes confidence isn't as common. There is a general cloud looming over the minds of U.S. citizens that draws in that inner rock-star at one time or another. I think this made those cocky stand-outs that much more bothersome, but guess what? They are still one step ahead of those with no belief in themselves at all!

This is just my opinion, but I think someone who can find the balance, be confident without being all-knowing; and stay positive while maintaining realistic goals, is the stand out. The queen B's and top Ace's of the world. Capable of beating you, but UGGHH, you just CAN NOOOT hate them!


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