It's Beach Season! It's Beach Season!

Since my first day at soccer practice in first grade, I've had a love/hate relationship with working out. In college I gained close to the freshmen 15. At 5'2 this was unexceptable. I learned that the fried food, pizza, and beer diet probably wasn't my best friend. Even worse, I stopped working out. I found every excuse in the book, and slowly started to lose my happiness-my spark! When I came home for the summer after that year, and my clothes weren't fitting the way they used to, I did something about it. I started working out with Turbo Jams which is mixture of dance and kick-boxing. As I built my endurance, I started to fall in love with exercise all over again. Yoga and pilates have become staples in my routine. Being short doesn't mean I can't have the body I want, I just need to do the right work-outs and remember to elongate. With a few short-lived exceptions, I have worked out at least 3-4 times a week since my college learning experience. It's not just about how I look, working out makes me happy. When I take even a week off, I become irritable, frustrated, or sad. Guess the endorphins thing is true! I started this post in order to hear YOUR stories. I will continuously post tips, inspiration, and responses to the information you chose to share. Also, feel free to email me with any and all questions!


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