
Showing posts from February, 2010

The Tick

The clock is there everytime I open my eyes. Every hour passes faster than the last. 1. 2. 3. Pillow mocks body. Right. Left. Additional pillow goes between knees. Back-alligned support. Heard that somewhere. Definately comfortable. Comfort found. Back. Side. Curled up. Stretched out. Temperature? Blanket. Two blankets. No blanket. Repeat. 4. 5. Never liked sheep. Counting-liked even less. Senario time. Beach? No. Cloud. No! Floating bed. Stupid idea. Oh no, sun's comin up. Boredum isn't an issue. Surprising really. 6. 7. Waiting is uncomfortable. It's not painful-just void of any defination. Over and over. Conceptual recycling. Only downfall=no matter how I spin it, I'm waiting for something that's been there the whole time. And what I lack. Is all I need. Obnoxious alarm. Too loud. Too soon.

Old Spices

Hello, bloggers, look at your notes, and now back to your screen. Now back at your notes, and now back to your screen. Luckily, your notes aren't the screen, but if you stop writing notes like a sally and switch to the keyboard, your notes could be on your screen. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a dinosaur, with a macbook that smells like an airplane, what's in your hand, back at the screen! I have a dino egg with two tickets to that convention you hate. Look at it again, the tickets are now poop. Anything is possible when your screen smells like dinos and not poop. I'm on a donkey.

All of the Golden Boxes

So often we are tempted to venture down the path of least resistance.  Faced with challenges and decisions, we visualize our options.  Then in the distance, there is a shinning golden opportunity that seems too good to be true.  Little effort is needed to lift the lid off the solution box that will instantly eliminate what ales you.  Each time you reach for the golden box of pleasent, simple resolution, you realize bits of your soul that are sacrificed.  Box after box, all other options begin to lose any mild attraction to you.  Suddenly people you loved and looked up to no longer express interest in you.  Some cease to see you anymore at all.  Resentment is yet another price to pay as you solve the pain of your loss with complete disacknowledgement.  Why fight for someone to see you? To notice you again? To like you?  That's not what you want from the people you hold dear. Excuse after excuse. Mistake after mistake.  There is only ...

Up and Coming Fashion Designer

My beautiful and talented friend designed her first line.  She asked me to narrow down her 4 pager to 100 words.  I don't think it's possible to describe the visions this girl has in order to do it justice, but I gave it a whirl! ‘Cloud 9 was designed to wash away the insecurities a woman feels and leave her feeling confident and powerful. Each piece combines the whimsical nature of an angel and sultry edge of a vixen. My goal as a designer is to make women feel relaxed, self-assured, and feminine. A smooth balance of proportions will allow women of all shapes and sizes to feel sexy. I incorporated a variety of garments to take a woman wherever she goes. The poof feature is a unique twist of ruffles and tulle, and allows the line to be versatile yet stunning and cohesive. Check her out at

Laugh your soul into shape

Comedy is subjective. I still think farts are hillarious. I tend to love "dry humor" but don't quite understand what it means. I'll get right to the point of this post....I want to hear from you about your favorite comedic T.V. shows, Movies, videos, or websites. There is nothing that can cure any bad mood more than a good laugh! Some of mine? Zoolander, The Hot Chick, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I Love You Man, Old School, The Office, Family Guy, Kat Williams Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1, Pablo Francisco.....

It's Beach Season! It's Beach Season!

Since my first day at soccer practice in first grade, I've had a love/hate relationship with working out. In college I gained close to the freshmen 15. At 5'2 this was unexceptable. I learned that the fried food, pizza, and beer diet probably wasn't my best friend. Even worse, I stopped working out. I found every excuse in the book, and slowly started to lose my happiness-my spark! When I came home for the summer after that year, and my clothes weren't fitting the way they used to, I did something about it. I started working out with Turbo Jams which is mixture of dance and kick-boxing. As I built my endurance, I started to fall in love with exercise all over again. Yoga and pilates have become staples in my routine. Being short doesn't mean I can't have the body I want, I just need to do the right work-outs and remember to elongate. With a few short-lived exceptions, I have worked out at least 3-4 times a week since my college learning experience. It's not ...

Humble B

In your head I want you to picture a person who you consider to be highly successful but also somehow annoying to you. Now, I am not going to name names, but when I started High School...I could've listed so many celebrities and classmates who were just down-right stuck-up! Everyone knows someone they just wanna shake and say "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Now more than ever, finding someone who exudes confidence isn't as common. There is a general cloud looming over the minds of U.S. citizens that draws in that inner rock-star at one time or another. I think this made those cocky stand-outs that much more bothersome, but guess what? They are still one step ahead of those with no belief in themselves at all! This is just my opinion, but I think someone who can find the balance, be confident without being all-knowing; and stay positive while maintaining realistic goals, is the stand out. The queen B's and top Ace's of the world. Capable of beating you, but UGGHH,...