
B momcom

After nearly 6 years, it’s time for this mom to make a comeback. Not a comeback to who I once was, but to a new version of myself I didn’t know existed before I became a mom. Like most people navigating their way through the pandemic and beyond, I’ve found this last 18 months or so to be eye opening in a way I never thought possible. I’ve developed a collection of writings that started with a purpose to process my thoughts and emotions. It’s somewhat like a journal and a reflection of this current state of affairs from my point of view.  Even though I may wish this last year and a half away, it opened up a space for me to take a deep dive of who I am. After a long period that can be best described as an ‘identity crisis’, I found myself getting in touch with who I am at my core. It has been a painful process, but a meaningful one. What I’ve unpacked after peeling back who I am outwardly in the roles of my life is a deeply curious, loving and creative gal that values connection over...

Let the Wedding Planning Begin....

I was engaged to Brett Nicholas Volini on June 26th of this year and we are in the preliminary stages of planning our destination wedding. We will be hauling our family and close friends to some beautiful beach in Mexico next year. The goal is to make it a celebration of our love above all things. This post is just a jumping-off point to start the 'vision' process. Any tips or advise that you might have to help us in this process would be graciously accepted and encouraged!

The Devil is in the Details...



Kitchen Before Kitchen After (Almost there...)

Home Owner Life...

Well, after more than a year between now and my last post, a lot has happened. I'll spare you the boring details and jump right into my current enthralling adventure-Home Ownership. In just over a month, we have already refaced 70% of the house, and I will be posting our before and afters. I'll also post the lessons we've been learning the hard way. Hopefully I will spare someone the headaches we've come across (Still washing paint out of my hair). It still amazes me how much we were able to change with just a few days of sun-up to sun-down painting... Before After

Life Observatory

I find the 'thanks wave' is becoming an obsolete action on the roads. You're stuck in traffic and you see another driver trying to get in or make a turn, so you let them in.  Surely, you didn't have to, and by the bumper-to-bumper ordeal to your front and rear, it's possible this driver would have been forced to wait for traffic to clear completely. I will never discontinue this silly ritual-but like other dying commonalities, I can see the 'thanks wave' becoming a foreign act in the near future.

Life As Art

Life is like a series of art contests.   Subjectivity is a familiar term that basically means anything can have a different definition depending on the person doing the judging. While one person could look at a Monet painting and rant for hours about it’s beauty and wonder, someone else could laugh and openly ask how the stupid thing got into the exhibit in the first place. It is this very concept that makes our lives a metaphor for a running contest.   Those that understand who the real judge is, are the ones that have figured it all out.   While most people walk around catering their every move to their many on-lookers and audience, the artistic masters realize that they are the only real judge of their work.   The painting, the sculpting, the presenting-they take place in our minds.   Each and everyday we have the chance to make what we see, hear and feel.   We have the choice to wipe the canvas clean when we make mistakes or lighten up an area that’s be...