Life As Art

Life is like a series of art contests.  Subjectivity is a familiar term that basically means anything can have a different definition depending on the person doing the judging. While one person could look at a Monet painting and rant for hours about it’s beauty and wonder, someone else could laugh and openly ask how the stupid thing got into the exhibit in the first place. It is this very concept that makes our lives a metaphor for a running contest.  Those that understand who the real judge is, are the ones that have figured it all out.  While most people walk around catering their every move to their many on-lookers and audience, the artistic masters realize that they are the only real judge of their work.  The painting, the sculpting, the presenting-they take place in our minds.  Each and everyday we have the chance to make what we see, hear and feel.  We have the choice to wipe the canvas clean when we make mistakes or lighten up an area that’s become too dark.  Even the areas of our living, breathing pieces of work that seem most beautiful or inspiring can be focused on at our every beck and call.  Just like an over night super star can loose sight of who they are and be swept up in fame, we, too, can forget the opinion that really matters over and over in life. Hearing all the other viewers around us can taint our own fundamental belief system and distract us from the power we hold in an instant. Instead, we should take those opinions in, but never loose sight of our individually created goals, our visions. And so that is what we all must continually remind ourselves, that life is what we never stop creating in our heads.  The colors are endless; the tools are limitless; and the end result never has to be the final product. 


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