B momcom

After nearly 6 years, it’s time for this mom to make a comeback. Not a comeback to who I once was, but to a new version of myself I didn’t know existed before I became a mom.

Like most people navigating their way through the pandemic and beyond, I’ve found this last 18 months or so to be eye opening in a way I never thought possible. I’ve developed a collection of writings that started with a purpose to process my thoughts and emotions. It’s somewhat like a journal and a reflection of this current state of affairs from my point of view. 

Even though I may wish this last year and a half away, it opened up a space for me to take a deep dive of who I am. After a long period that can be best described as an ‘identity crisis’, I found myself getting in touch with who I am at my core. It has been a painful process, but a meaningful one.

What I’ve unpacked after peeling back who I am outwardly in the roles of my life is a deeply curious, loving and creative gal that values connection over quantity or the frills money can buy.

I’ll always be a goofball who likes to talk about who I and the people in my life are in our souls. I realize much of what I have to say is nothing new. Nothing groundbreaking. And nothing that hasn’t been said before in another form or fashion. I also know that what I have to say may feel serious to me but laughable to you. I’m cool with that! 

Whether you’re laughing AT me or with me or both, I’m just glad you’re here. Stay tuned for off-beat, sometimes deep and sometimes downright weird musings. 

Or don’t. Only you can know what’s best for you. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find something here that brings you a taste of something joyful or fresh. Just know, you can always pull up a chair for story time at my table.


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