Lost Series Finale

For those of you reading my perfume blog, I apologize for interrupting that topic for this important new post.

The series of Lost came to a close last night with an episode lasting a lengthy two and a half hours. I have followed the show for the past five years, and found myself blown away with the mystery and character development of each and every episode. Prior to yesterday, I could not think of a show in existence that was capable of covering SO much without losing direction or my interest. A true believer in the series, I expected the writers to give me closure. I refused to believe the words of those who thought the creators wrote themselves into a hole. After countless visits to the lost-pedia website, I found that the creators were brilliant masters of design, capable of meshing worlds of science with those of faith and cultural beliefs. Once two hours had passed of the finale, I quickly realized I would not receive the answers I'd been anticipating for five long years. While I appreciate the concept of redemption and the grand scheme surrounding the acceptance of one's own death, I found it almost cheap for the writers to say part of the reality we all followed so closely was nothing but a fabrication of the character's minds. If this was the end point all along, there could've been a great deal less attention played on the scientific elements of the island and the findings of the Dharma initiative. In summary, I feel like a chump. A chump who put all my faith in the artistic ability of the Lost creators Lost, and forgot to consider that I may feel in the end just as the series was titled.

Totally and hopelessly lost.


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