Balance OR Belief

"Everything in moderation."
"It's all about balance."

Statements I've come to understand and believe.  If you could do anything in the world for the rest of your life, one thing ONLY, what would it be? I can't answer that. I love doing lots of things, but all of those things would get old if they were all I did forever. We have all of these preconceived notions in our heads, and how much of them are generated by us? Maybe it's not just balance, maybe it's "buying into it." Someone who views their life as balanced and healthy may spend their time in totally unequal segments. Someone else who feels lost and unsteady might have a perfect break down of their daily activity flow. In a nut shell, balance DOES weigh in. Certainly. But like everything else in the world, it's subjective. When my focus is placed on what I'm missing, I fall off. Balance may be more greatly acheived by those who place no focus on it at all; instead believing in the place they are headed.


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