Early on in this blog, I mentioned the shopping site shopstyle.com . The 21+ posts I recently put up all featured items from Forever 21, so I mainly accessed their web page to find my selections. Shopstyle.com has a feature which allows you to store your favorite items. I love this aspect, because I can pick out what I would love to buy and later decide what I can actually afford. So to my point here, I checked my favorite collection today which I've stored shopped items for the past 3 months. I had over 500 items stored, and all but 57 of these items were sold out. What am I getting at here? Am I saying I have an eye for style? My fashion sense is dead-on? No, I am not saying that. I can say I have an eye for what sells, and that is pretty rad. Why does this braggert rant matter to you? Well, I think I pick out some pretty good pieces. Also, I never really spend more than $30 on an item, so most wallets don't hate me. I hope you stay tuned. I hope you stay f...